Ann Martinelli

Ann has been advocating with individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families for more than 30 years. She has a BA in History from Georgian Court University and a MA in Disability Studies from the City University of New York. Her family entered the door at FRA in 1985 with their one year old son/brother and have remained as part of the FRA family. Ann worked in FRA’s Early Intervention Program from 1992 through 2008 as an in home service provider and family advocate. She also worked for the Community Living Education Project at Rutgers University supporting families who wanted to move a loved one from a developmental center to a setting within a community of their choice. In 2009, Ann received The Elizabeth M. Boggs award from Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey—currently named Enabling Opportunities. She also received the Advocate of the Year award in 2009 from the New Jersey Association of Community Providers. Ann is also a current member of Regional Family Support Planning Council #6 (Monmouth and Ocean counties). In 2007 Ann was appointed by the Department of Human Services Commissioner to be a family representative on the Olmstead Implementation and Advisory Council with DDD. She actively participated on this Council advising DDD on completing its obligation to move people from institutions into community setting. In addition to her son, Ann has two daughters, two sons-in-law, four grandchildren and a very supportive husband! Ann believes in the ability of all people to self-direct and create a life of choice…all means all.