Irene Ferrolho

Irene is married and has two miracle (25 weeker/micro-preemie) twins. One boy and one girl. She’s a licensed teacher and has experience in all fields of education. Irene took off several years to stay home with her children and kept busy with multiple therapies for both kids; a lot for her son, who is in a wheelchair and has CP, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, scoliosis, tetralogy of fallout and has had a whole lot of surgeries. Before working with the Adult Program at FRA, she worked in the early childhood department and had to take some time off, but eventually will be going back. She’s loving her time in the Adult Program and is looking forward to the future in this department. Irene is a positive person and doesn’t ever believe in the words “I can’t.” We can all do everything, we just might have to tweak it, and that’s fine!