Sue Fertig

Sue feels blessed to have used her education and work experience in a number of work settings; including schools, churches, hospitals, and park systems. Her formal education is in teaching (special education and science) and Respiratory Therapy (RRT). Her work experience has given her confidence in her ability to connect and relate to a wide variety of individuals.
First and foremost, Sue uses the Golden Rule and The Serenity Prayer to guide her in her perceptions and actions. To lead with kindness, respect, and compassion is her mantra.
FRA's vision statement “PossAbilities for people with DisAbilities” speaks to her and the work she’s passionate about. Sue is thankful to the administrative staff, teachers, and teacher assistants for helping her find her way as a team player at FRA, and she looks forward to the adventure! “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”-Buddha